Monday, September 30, 2013

Volume 1 has been released !

After a long wait, some good news. Volume 1 of the Imperial German Photo Series has been released and it available for purchase. Last week I also received an advanced copy of volume 2 from the publisher. The book should become available in about 4 to 6 weeks from now (around November 2013), and volume 3 should be released soon after !

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Although we have seen some major delays, the new book(s) - three volumes on the Imperial German Armies - Photo Series - will hopefully arrive around August 2013 ! Enjoy the book covers !


I recently became interested in US WW2 Army Air Force combat uniforms and equipment. It's great fun to collect all the stuff needed for a B-24 Bomber crew member or fighter pilot !

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DDR Section on this website

New on the website is a reference page with DDR collection artifacts. The last 10years, a huge increase was seen in the number of enthousiast who collect DDR militaria. Especially early DDR material from the end of the 40'ties to the early 60'ties are difficult to find and are a real challenge (and good fun) to collect. I hope the DDR section will be of interest to some and will try to expand it further in the future. Johan

Updates Vol1 broken link

The link to the page with "Volume 1 updates" is fixed now !

Friday, June 4, 2010

Update : Imperial Russian Uniforms and Equipment book

The book is in print and available for sale.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010